Marmot at Olderdissen Zoo, Bielefeld
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Marmot at Olderdissen Zoo, Bielefeld

Olderdissen Wildlife Park


Have you ever heard of the Recurvirostra avosetta or the Haematopus ostralegus? Probably not. These are the native avocet and the oystercatcher. Both are among the 42 bird species that can be admired at the Olderdissen Wildlife Park. Together with a total of around 450 animals, they live on the 16-hectare open-air site in the Teutoburg Forest. Some of them, such as the free-living storks or herons, simply arrived of their own accord at some point - and stayed. Others were brought to North Rhine-Westphalia from more distant regions of Germany, such as the Alps. And still others now even have their own beach in the middle of Bielefeld.

And of course, most of the inhabitants have a name. The grumpy brown bear Max, for example, has been living in an animal community with the nimble silver foxes for many years, who sometimes give their neighbors a run for their money. The 17-year-old lynx Lea, on the other hand, is deeply relaxed. She is one of the oldest residents of the zoo and now lives with her three sons in East Westphalia. And Chris and Martha, the two otters, are always particularly lively when the food is ready.

A six-strong pack of wolves, the alpine marmots, which have quickly conquered the entire park, and the numerous inhabitants of the recently redesigned beach aviary also provide a natural animal experience all year round. However, the "party barn" is usually the busiest area. Here the martens climb and jump as they please. They look forward to your visit.

Important information at a glance

  • Open today
    Monday08:00 - 20:00
    Tuesday08:00 - 20:00
    Wednesday08:00 - 20:00
    Thursday08:00 - 20:00
    Friday08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday08:00 - 20:00
    Sunday08:00 - 20:00

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