A.Savin, WikiCommons

The zoo in Hamm


The meerkats have a perfect view of everything from the thatched roof of their "home". They stand up there like sentinels and watch the goings-on on the grounds of Hamm Zoo, while tiger lady "Kira" roams her enclosure alone and the kangaroo offspring curiously poke their heads out of their mother's pouch. A total of around 500 animals of 70 different species form a special kind of community in the eastern Ruhr region. Some of them, such as the Siberian tiger, which can weigh up to 300 kilograms, are highly endangered in the wild.

You should be wary of the world's largest cat, while young visitors can get up close to the local cattle, ponies, donkeys, alpacas, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens and geese at the integrated children's farm with petting zoo. The children can then really let off steam in the world of mythical animals created especially for them. The large adventure playground on the grounds of the zoo invites children to run around, play and discover. For example, "Baufried Fällhuber's beaver" doesn't mind if they climb around on his dam. And Eulalia Spitz-Findig's owl tower can also be inspected to your heart's content.

It certainly takes a bit of courage to take a step onto the glazed floor terrarium at the Madagascar House. Because the floor is littered with Congo rose beetles. Rather not? Then take a look at the Africa or South America enclosures or pay a visit to the kangaroos. The animals from Tasmania are guaranteed to be outside. Because they are used to cold temperatures.

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