Gudrun Hagemeister auf Berg im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister auf Berg im Sauerland

Hiking, forests, treading waterGudrun Hagemeister

Back in the day, when Gudrun Hagemeister ran her own café with her husband in the centre of the small community of Olsberg, she once vowed: "When I'm retired, all I want to do is hike." Today, "in my second professional life", she has fulfilled this dream. Every day, the 80-year-old is drawn to the Sauerland forests. Whatever the weather and whatever the season. "Because without hiking, I'm only half a person." But she is often not alone on her tours. For twelve years, the qualified health trainer for Kneipp treatments has regularly led groups on the 39-kilometre-long, certified Kneipp trail around the Kneipp spa town of Bad Olsberg. Then she packs her rucksack with a small watering can dangling from it, takes her dog Jule on a lead and off she goes. DeinNRW set off with the grandmother of five and great-grandmother of seven and simply took off her shoes and socks in the middle of the forest.

Gudrun Hagemeister im Wald in Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister im Wald in Sauerland
Gudrun Hagemeister
"Because without hiking, I'm only half a person."

So we wade through the newly designed treading pool at the Luisenquelle in the Storchengang. Admittedly, it looks a little strange and has sometimes been ridiculed a little in the past. "But this is the only way to stimulate reflexes and promote blood circulation," says Gudrun Hagemeister, explaining the principle of Kneipp treatments, before taking a stack of cups and a small bottle out of her rucksack. Because while her feet are drying in the air, she likes to treat herself and her fellow hikers to a sip of home-made elderberry schnapps. Only for the adults, of course. But the children, who Gudrun Hagemeister particularly enjoys watching as they explore the forest, also get a little refreshment, of course. After all, the hikers still have almost 400 metres of altitude ahead of them before they reach the summit cross of the Olsberg - at 704 metres above sea level, incidentally, the highest valley elevation in the Sauerland.

Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister auf Bank in Wald im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister auf Bank in Wald im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Quellen in Wald im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Quellen in Wald im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Händewaschen an der Aencherquelle im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Händewaschen an der Aencherquelle im Sauerland

But as we all know, the journey is the reward. Which is why Gudrun Hagemeister always takes a break from time to time. Then she lets her gaze wander over the green wooded Sauerland, listens to the silence of the forest and draws the attention of her companions to the small peculiarities of nature.

Gudrun Hagemeister in Tretbecken Aencherquelle im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister in Tretbecken Aencherquelle im Sauerland
Gudrun Hagemeister im Wald in Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gudrun Hagemeister im Wald in Sauerland
Gudrun Hagemeister
"You have to feel nature. And I am often amazed at how even adults' minds suddenly open up. Be it a strangely shaped leaf, a gnarled branch or even just the conscious perception of the soft forest floor."

The Kneipp therapist always encourages her guests, many of whom have been hiking with her for years, to walk through nature with their eyes wide open. Because even though she probably knows the forests around the tranquil town of Olsberg better than anyone else: "It's always different in the forest." In autumn, for example, the 77-year-old explains, "the atmosphere here early in the morning is almost a little mystical". Gudrun Hagemeister likes this special atmosphere when the mist is still wafting between the trees. But she also likes it when the moss on the mighty cliffs glistens in the sun in spring or when the scent of fresh forest herbs fills her nose. Then the woman with the alert eyes and the infectious enthusiasm for the little things in her surroundings likes to hike to her favourite spot a little off the signposted Kneipp path. At the Ännchen spring, she forgets the time around her, listens to the babbling of the small rivulet that meanders down the Olsberg and enjoys the few rays of sunshine that shine through the high branches of the trees onto the small wooden bench.

Gebirge im Sauerland
Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Gebirge im Sauerland

Gudrun Hagemeister has been familiarising herself with the natural healing methods of the priest Kneipp from Bad Wörishofen for many years. After all, her adopted hometown of Olsberg, where she and her husband ran one of the 100 best cafés in Germany for more than 45 years and supplied customers from all over the world with sweet specialities such as cherry brandy mice and marzipan pralines, has been a recognised Kneipp health resort since 1895. Since 2017, the idyllic little town has even been able to call itself Bad Olsberg, as Gudrun Hagemeister is visibly proud to report. So people from all over Germany have always come here to be treated. Today, they also come to Olsberg to hike along the Kneipp path with Gudrun Hagemeister and simply take off their shoes and socks in the middle of the forest.

Relax and unwind in the SauerlandThree questions for Gudrun Hagemeister

Mrs Hagemeister, you have 48 hours of free time. What would you definitely do with this time in NRW?
Gudrun Hagemeister: No question about it. Then you will definitely meet me in the Sauerland forests. First, I would go on an extensive rucksack hike with my dog Jule and then round off the two days in the sauna.

Which place in NRW have you recently rediscovered for yourself?
Gudrun Hagemeister: The small peace chapel near Elleringhausen is a wonderful place. It was built in the middle of the forest to commemorate the victims of the war and is still so lovingly maintained. I come here when I need peace and quiet or need to slow down a bit. The little chapel is a real place of strength for me.

Your personal favourite place in NRW.
Gudrun Hagemeister: That's quite simple - nature.

Wilderness, forest & hikingGudrun Hagemeister's favourite places

  • Biggesee aus der Luft
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