Herbststimmung am Baldeneysee in Essen
Johannes Höhn, Herbststimmung am Baldeneysee in Essen

Autumn momentsAutumn markets, book places & stories

Enjoy being outdoors, relax in very special and warm and cosy book places or stroll through colourful farmers' and autumn markets - in our tips for autumn you will find very special ideas for unique moments in North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • Outdoor storiesEverybody out!Learn more
  • Mirker Bahnhof
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Mirker Bahnhof
    Quick tips for short tripsSpecial book placesLearn more
  • Sauerland Winterberg Niedersfeld Goldener Pfad
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Sauerland Winterberg Niedersfeld Goldener Pfad
    Autumn holidaysExperience adventures togetherLearn more
  • Apfelbaum auf dem Gelände des Kulturguts Haus Nottbeck
    Johannes Höhn, Apfelbaum auf dem Gelände des Kulturguts Haus Nottbeck
    Harvest experienceLearn more