Jeck im Sunnesching Köln
Julian Huke Photography, Jeck im Sunnesching Köln

Foolish treats, jolly museums and lots of musicCarnival for the whole year

In NRW, not everything is over on Ash Wednesday. Even if the carnival then takes a break until 11 November, nobody has to do without the Rhenish cheerfulness for quite so long: The special feeling of joy and community can be awakened in many different ways, with typical carnival sweets, Cologne carnival hits, a visit to a carnival museum or at a carnival festival in the summer.

Jeck im Sunnesching Köln mit Konfetti, Jeck im Sunnesching Köln mit Konfetti

Tip 1Confetti rain in the summer sun

Every year, the "Jeck im Sunnesching" festival invites you to a costume festival in the sunshine. On 7 September 2024, there will be live music with kölsche Tön and confetti bombs in Cologne's Jugendpark. But there will also be singing, swaying and dancing in pubs, bars and beer gardens. In Bonn's Rheinaue, the motto on 31 August is: "Jeck im Sunnesching".

Viersen Narrenmühle, Viersen Narrenmühle

Tip 2Jecke museums

Tradition and customs on various levels can be marvelled at in the Narrenmühle in Viersen-Dülken in the Lower Rhine region: on the one hand, carnival curiosities and the eleven secrets of the Viersener Narrenakademie can be discovered in an exhibition, which claims to be one of the oldest carnival associations in Germany still in existence today. On the other hand, historical mill technology reminds visitors of the former life of a miller at the Bock windmill, which was shut down in 1906. Guided tours are offered from May to September on Sundays from 11 am to 12 noon and by appointment.

Düsseldorf's old town is also full of carnival all year round: the House of Carnival, which is home to the Düsseldorf Carnival Committee, has a permanent exhibition of medals, song books, pictures and carnival magazines from the past as well as clothing worn by the Prince and Venetia, as the carnival princess is known in Düsseldorf. |

Karnevalsumzug in Aachen
aachen tourist service e.v., A. Steindl, Karnevalsumzug in Aachen

Tip 3Our playlist: Carnival

What's the most important thing about carnival? The music. And you can turn it up loud, sing along and dance out of turn anytime and anywhere. We have put together a very personal carnival playlist for you with our favourite Cologne classics. Including: Cat Ballou, Miljö, Kasalla, Querbeat and of course Bläck Fööss and Brings.

Would you like more?Have a look here!

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