Sabrina Voss, Sauerland-Tourismus e.V. / / REACT-EU, Ruhr Valley cycle path

Ruhr Valley Cycle RouteBetween idyll and industrial culture

  • Cycling, Regional cycle tour
  • 230 km
  • 15:25 Hours
  • medium
Industrial heritage and half-timbered idylls, towns and nature experiences: the Ruhr Valley Cycle Route passes many extraordinary places on its way from the Sauerland through the Ruhr region.

Tour details

  • Length:230.24 km
  • Duration:15:25 Hours
  • Uphill:207 hm
  • Downhill:874 hm
  • Difficulty:medium
  • Category:Cycling, Regional cycle tour
  • Features:
  • Culturally interesting
  • Refreshment stops

The Ruhr Valley Cycle Route runs along the Ruhr from its source near Winterberg in the Sauerland region to where it flows into the Rhine near Duisburg in the Ruhr area.

The 230-kilometre route has plenty to offer both nature and culture lovers: Forests, moorland and heathland alternate with idyllic castles and half-timbered houses and the numerous legacies of the industrial era, which stand for the development and history of the entire Ruhr metropolis.

Old towns and industrial heritage

The adventure stops include the medieval town center of Arnsberg, the Muttental valley, industrial heritage buildings such as the Nachtigall colliery in Witten, Lake Baldeney and Villa Hügel in Essen as well as Duisburg's newly designed inner harbor area. The cycle route is also suitable for families: Exciting combinations with canoes, passenger boats or rail buses are possible along the way.

The Ruhr Valley Cycle Route has been awarded a four-star quality rating by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) and is one of the busiest long-distance cycle routes in Germany. The opening of the season is celebrated every spring in a different town or municipality with the Ruhr Valley Cycle Route Festival.

Good to knowMore information



59955 Winterberg

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