The interior of many buildings is furnished as if the residents were about to come in
Tourismus NRW e.V., The interior of many buildings is furnished as if the residents were about to come in

LWL-Freilichtmuseum Detmold


On over 90 hectares, more than 100 fully furnished buildings from all landscapes of Westphalia show 500 years of rural life. Horse-drawn carriages run between the entrance area and the "Paderborn village". Three pubs on the museum grounds invite visitors to stop for refreshments. Old crafts such as flour milling, blacksmithing and pottery are demonstrated daily. The museum also offers themed tours.

Make yourself a culture pack!

Germany's largest open-air museum and a medieval place of worship

Immerse yourself in the life and work of our forefathers. Around 120 historical buildings from all the landscapes of Westphalia have been reconstructed and fully furnished here.

  • In Detmold in East Westphalia, you will find one of the largest open-air museums in Germany.
  • Immerse yourself in the life and work of our forefathers. Around 120 historic buildings from all the landscapes of Westphalia have been rebuilt and fully furnished here. The farmhouses look as authentic as if the farmer's wife had just popped out of the barn to fetch a few eggs. On the pastures and meadows you will also come across rare breeds of animals, such as the "Senner horse". It is the oldest breed of horse in Germany. And of course there is also work in the village. Millers, blacksmiths and potters welcome you to their workshops.
  • For refreshments during your stay, stop off at the museum's own restaurant "Im Weißen Ross" in Paderborn village. After the tour, you can enjoy a cold drink or a savoury meal at Strate's Brauhaus in the heart of the old town.
  • At the end of the day, you can enjoy a wonderful view over the Teutoburg Forest and the Hermanns monument from the 14-metre-high observation tower on the edge of the Sauerland village.
  • Excursion tip: Numerous nature trails through the Teutoburg Forest start at a huge natural spectacle, the Externsteine in Horn-Bad Meinberg, which was a legendary place of worship, especially in the Middle Ages.
  • Overnight tip: Hotel Bärenstein in Horn-Bad Meinberg or Wertschätzer Hotel in Detmold.

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