Müngstener Brückensteig Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V., Hannah Förster, Müngstener Brückensteig Solingen

Heart palpitations on Germany's highest railway bridgeMüngstener Brückensteig

With a height of 107 and a length of 465 metres, the Müngsten Bridge spans the narrow valley of the Wupper and connects the cities of Remscheid and Solingen. A total of 777 steps lead to the very top of Germany's highest railway bridge. Max and Hannah have a steep climb ahead of them - on the Müngsten Bridge walkway. And a unique experience for which you would otherwise have to travel as far as Sydney or Brisbane. There are currently only three bridge walkways in the world: one on the Harbour Bridge, one on the Story Bridge and one on the Müngsten Bridge, in the Bergisch city trianglein the centre of your NRW.

Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen

Next stop: Solingen-SchabergWith the S7 to the Brückensteig

Solingen-Schaberg stop. Our exit. A pity, really, because this is the last stop before the S7 crosses the Müngsten Bridge. Even during the journey, there was a mixture of anticipation and slight excitement: What can we expect? How will the ascent be? Are we really free from giddiness? A completely new experience awaits us. From the railway station, the Müngsten Bridge Park and the Brückensteig are very well signposted. A hiking trail leads down through the forest into the bridge park. And as we walk, the Müngsten Bridge suddenly appears between the treetops. An impressive sight. Once we reach the foot of the bridge, we can see it in all its splendour. The heart beats a little faster. This is the way up. A total of 777 steps up to the highest point of the arch, at a height of almost 100 metres. The anticipation builds.

Preparations at the via ferrata base campHelmet & climbing harness

Of course, we can't explore the Brückensteig on our own. We are travelling in a group of 15 people - Philipp is our bridge guide. He is not only responsible for our safety, but also knows all about the facts and figures, myths and stories surrounding the Müngsten Bridge. But first it's time to tighten our harnesses, put on our helmets and attach our walkie-talkies. They make it easier to communicate on the bridge. A short climb to the foot of the bridge fuels the excitement.

Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen

Unrivalled viewsThe Brückensteig

Step by step, you make your way along the bridge arch. With the left hand on the railing and the right on the safety catch, which is pushed along bit by bit. The incline is particularly steep at the beginning and we soon have a breathtaking view of the bridge park and the surrounding area. We stop again and again to take photos or simply enjoy the view. Sometimes to admire the construction of the bridge, which makes us feel tiny at that moment. The S7 passes over our heads every 20 minutes - that's when it gets particularly loud. In between, Philipp provides us with information about the history of the bridge via walkie-talkie.

Once we reach the highest point, we have to make a decision: Balance across a bridge beam or cross the wide platform to reach the stairs opposite. After all, we have to get back down on the same side. The whole group accepts the challenge of balancing across the bridge beam. Nobody wants to miss out on this adventure. And it's worth it. In the centre of the beam, all the brave ones get a souvenir photo. Don't look down for too long. And then quickly move on.

And the way back, with its steep steps, also requires maximum concentration. Once at the bottom, everyone is blissfully happy and euphoric from this unique adventure high above the Wupper.

Around the Müngsten BridgeMyths and stories

During the tour, Philipp tells us one or two legends about the Mügnsten Bridge. Probably the best known is that of the golden rivet. This was supposedly the last one to be struck, but has still not been found. This is indeed a legend, but we were a bit vigilant on the tour. Who knows! Another myth that is told is the alleged miscalculation during construction. According to this story, the two sides of the bridge did not meet in the middle as planned and one had to be demolished and rebuilt. Master builder Anton von Rieppel is said to have thrown himself off the bridge out of shame. In reality, however, he lived for 30 years after its completion. These and other mysterious stories make a visit to the bridge unique and give it a particularly mysterious feel.

Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V. Hannah Förster, Brückensteig Müngstener Brücke Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V., Maximilian Hulisz, Müngstener Brücke, Solingen
Tourismus NRW e.V., Maximilian Hulisz, Müngstener Brücke, Solingen
Highlights on the tour and supreme moments of happiness for in-between and all the senses. Keep your eyes peeled, you shouldn't miss these places.

Our favourite places

  • Balancing on the bridge beam: it only takes a little effort. You will be rewarded with a heap of endorphins and a view of the Wupper that is guaranteed to be unrivalled - while balancing on the bridge beam. Do you dare?
  • Relaxing in the bridge park: Whether before or after the via ferrata tour, relaxing in the bridge park is always a good idea. The Wupper babbles in the background and the view of the Müngsten Bridge is wonderful, even when lying down. Make yourself comfortable on one of the benches surrounded by greenery.
  • Finish off at Haus Müngsten: so much courage makes you thirsty and hungry. The Haus Müngsten restaurant is a great place to round off the day. With a look back at the impressive Müngsten Bridge and its 777 steps, which we climbed shortly before.

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