Gäste gehen im LWL-Museum für Archäologie und Kultur auf Spurensuche im inszenierten Großsteingrab
LWL, P. Jülich, Gäste gehen im LWL-Museum für Archäologie und Kultur auf Spurensuche im inszenierten Großsteingrab

Museums for living historyExhibition venues enable a journey through time

Many popular museums take visitors on a journey through the centuries or millennia. Industrial history, the history of development or cultural history all play a role in the museums. Sometimes the focus is on popular sports, sometimes on evolution or the transformation of a people. Hobby historians train to become prehistorians or specialists in the progress of a particular industry. In the living history rooms, guests can imagine themselves as Roman legionnaires, Neanderthals or top athletes. Excursions and guided tours guarantee amusing entertainment as well as a gain in knowledge.

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  • The LVR-RömerMuseum is the heart of the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten
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  • In the foyer of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, guests can admire a huge rice granary
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  • Guests can experience truffle production at the Chocolate Museum in Cologne
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