Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ratterten in den Fabriken des heutigen Textiltechnikums 20.000 mechanische Webstühle. Einige können noch von Gästen bestaunt werden
Tourismus NRW e.V., Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ratterten in den Fabriken des heutigen Textiltechnikums 20.000 mechanische Webstühle. Einige können noch von Gästen bestaunt werden

Craft, power station, hoistProduction sites and logistics in NRW

Industrial culture has many facets in North Rhine-Westphalia: Former textile factories such as the Müller cloth factory are now museums that tell the story of the stages of fabric production and processing. But it is often far from the end of the line. In production sites such as the Gernheim glassworks or the Hendrichs drop forge, the furnaces are still glowing in museum operations today. The special thing about many of the sites is that it feels as if the workers are only on a short break and everyday life is about to resume. Visitors are taken on an authentic journey through the industrial history of individual regions and can immerse themselves in a working world that has long since disappeared.

  • The LWL Museum Henrichenburg Ship's Hoist is a must-see for all fans of inland shipping
    LWL-Museum, Annette Hudemann, The LWL Museum Henrichenburg Ship's Hoist is a must-see for all fans of inland shipping
    WaltropLWL Museum Henrichenburg Ship's HoistLearn more
  • Alongside the weaving mill, the spinning mill is a site of the LWL-Museum Textilwerk Bocholt
    Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Fölting, Alongside the weaving mill, the spinning mill is a site of the LWL-Museum Textilwerk Bocholt
    BocholtLWL-Museum Textilwerk BocholtLearn more
  • Almost all the machines, drop hammers and presses date back to the founding years
    LVR-Industriemuseum, Almost all the machines, drop hammers and presses date back to the founding years
    SolingenLVR Industrial Museum Hendrichs drop forgeLearn more
  • The LVR Industrial Museum even shows how wool is processed using running machines
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The LVR Industrial Museum even shows how wool is processed using running machines
    RatingenLVR Industrial Museum Cromford Textile FactoryLearn more
  • The huge looms are more than impressive
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The huge looms are more than impressive
    EuskirchenLVR Industrial Museum Müller Cloth FactoryLearn more
  • The German Textile Museum is located in the picturesque district of Linn, near the castle of the same name
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The German Textile Museum is located in the picturesque district of Linn, near the castle of the same name
    KrefeldGerman Textile MuseumLearn more
  • The glassworks tower from 1826 is Gernheim's landmark
    LWL-Museen für Industriekultur, Sebastian Cintio, The glassworks tower from 1826 is Gernheim's landmark
    PetershagenLWL Museum Gernheim GlassworksLearn more
  • The LVR Industrial Museum Ermen and Engels power station gives a vivid impression of how the power of the Agger river was converted into electricity around 1900
    Das Bergische, Melissa Schülting, The LVR Industrial Museum Ermen and Engels power station gives a vivid impression of how the power of the Agger river was converted into electricity around 1900
    EngelskirchenLVR Industrial Museum Ermen & Engels Power StationLearn more