Schwebebahn über der Wupper
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Schwebebahn über der Wupper

The aspiringWuppertal in constant change

When I look at myself from above, I'm actually quite happy. I can see many beautiful things about myself. For example, the green hills that stretch to the left and right of the Wupper, which even the American news channel CNN reports on as an ideal holiday destination. And the many old villas in the Briller neighbourhood, which date back to the Gründerzeit, when the Bergisches Land was one of the most important business locations in Germany. But above all, I see a lot of culture. Starting with the Historische Stadthalle, which hosts cultural events all year round. From the Von-der-Heydt-Museum, whose unique collection of 19th century and classical modern art has an impact far beyond the country's borders. All the way to Pina Pausch. The modern dance theatre of the choreographer, who incidentally came from the neighbouring town of Solingen, made me known to an international audience back in the 1970s.

That's not the only reason why cameras are always pointed at me. Many a cinema and TV film has been shot in my steep streets and cosy old quarters. You should watch "Romy Schneider" sometime. And do you recognise me from "Babylon Berlin"? But that's just by the way.

If I look at myself from above, I can still see a lot of "construction sites". But that's a good thing! Because my citizens have so many great ideas for my further development that I'm happy to let them do it and give them the space to realise them. That was already the case in the past when an entrepreneur called Bayer developed aspirin here in my neighbourhood. And it was the same later when the British sculptor Tony Cragg found his great love here and created the wonderful Waldfrieden sculpture park from an orphaned piece of forest. And it is still like that today. Among other things, the Visiodrom was recently opened in the old gas boiler, an immersive exhibition with a frenzy of colours. And the suspension railway, which has long been a completely normal means of transport for us Wuppertal residents, now has its own museum. The Schwebodrom. Let's wait and see what comes next. In any case, I am very excited and know that I can rely on the commitment of my people.

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