Personen vor Neyetalsperre mit Boot
Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., Personen vor Neyetalsperre mit Boot

Water march!Autumn stories from the Bergisches Land

Water fans and those seeking relaxation will definitely get their money's worth here. The Bergisches Land is the green - or in autumn, colourful - lung between the Rhine and Ruhr rivers and is also the European champion. That's right, the region has the most reservoirs in Europe. The numerous reservoirs that dot the hilly landscape provide a number of magnificent panoramic views.
And satisfied cyclists. Because the varied railway line cycle paths provide a very special outdoor experience, including picnic pleasures. But it's not just the reservoirs that make the Bergisches Land a popular excursion destination. Sometimes it's up high, sometimes to venerable buildings. Sometimes to the coffee table.

All out into the Bergisches Land!

Staudamm an der Lingesetalsperre
Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., Staudamm an der Lingesetalsperre

Paying us a visit is not just a highlight in summer. The two friends who spontaneously arranged to go on a special kind of cycle tour on this golden autumn day are well aware of this. Embedded in the colourful landscape, we may no longer invite you to swim, but we certainly invite you to linger, walk and hike. And cycling, of course. We are undoubtedly the soul of the region: the reservoirs in the Bergisches Land. No other region in Europe has as many of us as here. That makes us a little proud. Understandable, isn't it?

Personen mit Getränken an Lingetalsperre
Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., Personen mit Getränken an Lingetalsperre

Here's to a picnic fit for a film

It's been a long time since the girlfriends have been on a cycle tour this beautiful. They quickly agree. Their route takes them along forests and railway lines, viaducts, tunnels and caves. The girls have chosen the Neyetalsperre as their first resting place. They can see the banks on their bikes as they cycle leisurely over the imposing dam wall with its two turrets, the gatehouses. As if they had made a deal, they stop at the railings and pull out their cameras. What an impressive scene. It was definitely the right idea to opt for an outdoor café today. Yes, a picnic like this by our side is really something special.

The tea is still hot as they park their bikes and stroll along the riverbank. The aroma wafting from the thermos mixes with that very special autumn scent in the air. Earth, moss, woody notes. The two of them, who always have something to talk about, pause for a moment. They let their eyes wander over the surface of the water and can't get enough of the sight that presents itself to them. Clouds are reflected in the smooth water on the lake. The shore is densely lined with colourful trees. And something that should definitely not go unmentioned: The Neyetalsperre is the most romantic among us. A green wooden barge rocks gently in the middle of the water. "It's like a film set here!" beams one of us.

Lingesetalsperre und deren Ufer mit Wäldern
Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., Lingesetalsperre und deren Ufer mit Wäldern

It's understandable that the friends find it difficult to move on. But there are still so many natural beauties to discover here with us. And the two of them are highly motivated. So, saddle up and off they go! Next, the Lingesee Reservoir is delighted to welcome the outdoor fans. But they are not alone here. Water birds such as great crested grebes and grey herons enjoy the sunshine on the lake. Each dam offers different views, but all of them make for fabulous breaks - there's no question about it.

Zwei Frauen radeln durch eine herbstliche Landschaft.
Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., Zwei Freundinnen unternehmen eine herbstliche Radtour im Bergischen Land.

Admittedly: We may be the stars of the beautiful Bergisches Land region, but there is plenty for the two women to discover here away from the abundance of water. So the next girls' outing can be planned straight away. It could be up into the treetops - on the only tree top trail in North Rhine-Westphalia. Or how about lacing up your hiking boots and paying a visit to our venerable Altenberg Cathedral? A hike through the hilly countryside, past historic town centres with our typical pretty slate houses. And then it's not off to the outdoor café, but to a cosy parlour where the traditional Bergisch coffee table is already waiting. Sounds like a plan.

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