Sauerland Winterberg Niedersfeld Goldener Pfad
Tourismus NRW e.V., Sauerland Winterberg Niedersfeld Goldener Pfad

Autumn holiday tipsOn a voyage of discovery with the family

Spend the night in special places, visit zoos, animal parks and theme parks or roam through the autumn countryside together - on foot or by bike. We provide you with a variety of tips for unforgettable experiences during the autumn holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • Kind mit Ranger im Wald, Nationalpark Eifel
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Kind mit Ranger im Wald, Nationalpark Eifel
    Hiking with children
    Ranger tour, adventure trail or a hiking tour with animals - these routes are fun for the whole family.
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  • Ruhrtal-Radweg in Bochum, Brücke am Eisenbahnmuseum
    RuhrtalRadweg, Dennis Stratmann, Ruhrtal-Radweg in Bochum, Brücke am Eisenbahnmuseum
    Cycling with children
    Away from busy roads, the route takes you through various landscapes. There are many stops along the way for further activities with children.
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  • V-Hotel Bonn, tree house
    V-Hotel Bonn, V-Hotel Bonn, tree house
    A different kind of overnight stay
    Spending the night in a tree house, camping in the Eifel National Park or sleeping in a construction trailer on the Ruhr. There are many unusual places to spend the night in NRW.
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